Subject Choice form

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26 Feb 2013

SJU-S/018/2012-13                                                                                              January 9, 2013

Theme of the Year: Global Citizenship

Better world through better people


Dear Parents,

As your child is at the threshold of Std. IX, it is time to plan for his / her academic success in the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (I.C.S.E.)

We are pleased to offer a choice of subjects for Stds. IX and X.  As per the requirement of the ICSE Board, your child can select the subjects in Groups II and III.

Parents are requested to attend a meeting on Tuesday, January 29, 2013 at 9:00 a.m. You may fill the ‘SUBJECT CHOICE FORM’ given below as per instructions and return it to the Class Teacher by Thursday, January 31, 2013. Please note that change of subject will not be permitted after the submission of this form. The Principal is the final authority to decide, on the subjects selected.  As per I.C.S.E. guidelines, you are required to purchase I.C.S.E. Scope of Syllabus.  The book will be made available with Ms. Meena Dembla, amount will be informed later.

We hope that you will take this decision based on the best interests of your child taking into account his / her ability and aptitude.


Yours truly,


———-"———–"———– tear off slip———"————"———–


(To be filled in by the Parent and returned by January 31, 2013)

Group I (Compulsory)

1. English                                               2. Hindi                                               3. History / Civics & Geography          


Group II (Tick any two subjects)

a)   Mathematics    b)  Economics       c) Science  (Chemistry, Physics, Biology)        d) Commercial Studies



Group III (Tick any one subject)

a) Computer Applications           b) Home Science            c) Technical Drawing Applications        d) Art







I Mr. / Mrs. __________________________ parent / guardian of ______________________ from Std. VIII understand that my child / ward has opted for the above mentioned subjects.  I have read the circular regarding choice of subjects and agree to abide by the instructions given by the school authorities. 


  ______________           ________________________________     ______________________________

          Date               Signature of Mother / Guardian      Signature of Father / Guardian

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